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One Month Free Trial ($200 value)
Google or Facebook ads
96% of service and product searches start online.
Promote Your Business
Start Early and Save!
$50 a week - sign up by March 1*
$75 a week - sign up by April 1
$100 a week- sign up by May 1
Facebook and Google campaigns typically take a few weeks to get started.
Don't get left behind this season!
Make sure potential customers know how to find you.
Check out now to get prepared for Spring/Summer sales
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Best Value
Digital Marketing Ad- "Starter Pack"
Every week
Google or Facebook
Valid until canceled
30 day free trial
Custom consultation and execution plan
Google Ads OR Facebook campaign execution
Up to 2 campaigns
Ad management Only
Sample Facebook Paid Ad
Powerful targeting to new people based on thier interests.
People who like gardening
People who like organic food
People who like yoga
Sample Google Paid Ad
Powerful targeting to new people based on their KEYWORDS
Customers are HIGH INTENT:
People SELF select based on their search keywords
TEXT with questions but don't forget to tell us your name!
(yes- we used to live in Boston!)
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